iPhone 11 Pro Max Eco Friendly Case

Let's face it - are you really serious about getting the 5G Content? Well if you are then you'd better be prepared because if youre not making that much content, you may as well just stick to your iphone 11 Pro max. so if you've figured it out none of us really dont care but the case is good for your health 0- the thing is actually pretty decent with all of its shenenigans and i had to make it https://www.ebay.com/itm/iPhone-11-Pro-Max-Eco-Friendly-Case-Shockproof-Shell-Protection-Wheatstraw-TPU/174402608293?hash=item289b349ca5:g:5kgAAOSwDHtftdUj

https://ebay.us/W7Qu11Add caption

